DISH & airbnb

San Francisco, CA

Big Picture

DISH’s mission is to provide high-quality, permanent housing to San Franciscans who suffer from serious health issues. With their help, residents are able to get off the streets and rebuild their lives.

Project Color Corps’ mission to use color as a change agent dovetailed perfectly with DISH’s mission, creating a partnership that would lead to tremendous impact. 

With the help of talented volunteers from Airbnb and generous donations from Kelly-Moore Paints, Project Color Corps added optical optimism to DISH’s Empress Hotel. 

In one day we were able to repaint and revitalize the back courtyard area as well as the hallway and laundry room.

A Conversation About Color

Project Color Corps’ Founder, Laura Guido-Clark led a color workshop with the residents to help them understand how color can change their environment and transform their space into a vibrant, joyful place to be. Andrea Nguyen was inspired by the drawings they created.


A tremendous thank you to our partners who made this project a reality:



Andrea Nguyen, Airbnb


Taylor Hughes


Ryan Kim